

Tackling Peru’s Most Famous Day Hike: Rainbow Mountain

After a couple of days acclimating in Cusco, and one awesome hike done, it was time for me to take on some serious elevation.  While Cusco itself lies at a pretty high elevation, and there are lots of places to climb even higher, there is really only one place in the area where you can reach the soaring height of 5,000 meters: Rainbow Mountain. While reaching 16,400 feet might not sound like anything special, in the rest of the world...

7 summits

What Are The 7 Summits? A Guide

We all have dreams, and some of our dreams are dumb, unrealistic, dangerous, expensive, uncomfortable, and have only been accomplished by around 300 people.  When I say some of us have crazy dreams, I am of course referring to myself, and the dream I am referring to is climbing the 7 Summits. You may not have heard of the 7 Summits, and to be fair only a few hundred people in human history have ever done it so it’s not...