

bear safety while hiking

Bear Safety While Hiking: Everything you Need to Know

I personally love seeing wildlife on the trail, and to me it can take a pretty average trail and make it into a really memorable outing.  However, there is one animal that no matter how well prepared I am that always freaks people out: bears.  Every time I go into bear country, especially grizzly country, many of the people in my life get a little nervous, and fair enough honestly.  Bears are big and unpredictable, have sharp teeth, and we’ve...

Castle Rock State Park

Trip Report: Attempted Castle Rocks Lower Loop

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving in 2020, I decided I would go hike a trail I had not done in a park that I’ve really enjoyed.  It was a beautiful day; the sky was blue, temps were in the mid 60’s, and there was the slightest breeze.  What actually ended up happening was not at all what I expected, but it all worked out in the end.   Miles/Elevation: Planned: 6.5 miles, 1200 feet vertical gain Actual: 8 miles, unknown vertical...